Akai s1100 CF card inside (scsi to ide)

I wanted to have hard disk inside my s1100. Real hard drives are not recommended due to risk of overheating. S1100 produces high temperature inside already.

Take a look (click for bigger pictures):
Akai s1100 with scsi to ide cf adapter

Akai s1100 with scsi to ide cf adapter

Akai s1100 with scsi to ide cf adapter

There is second power socket on the main board, the same as for floppy drive, so its easy to make power cable for scsi adapter.

I bought:
1) scsi 68pin to ide adapter (ebay)
2) 68 pin internal cable (ebay)
3) 50-68pin sci adapter (ebay)
4) ide cf adapter (ebay)
5) two cheap metal holders (local store)
6) molex cables (ebay)
6) compact flash card (local store)

Important thing: Internal scsi socket in s1100 and s1000 is probably wrong, i don’t know why, maybe hardware bug.
If your scsi device won’t work, try plug socket in backwards!
So cutting or filing cable plug may be necessary.
I’ve cut 50 to 68 adapter to fit backwards.

I have about 520mb space available which is max for s1000/s1100 and max 17 partitions.

I tired few CF cards and only two works: Transcend 1gb and Pretec 16gb. Sandiks, Kingston cards were not recognized.

Now it works perfect. Any questions?, please leave comment. Thanks!


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