convert samples to 10-13bit

I made few useful scripts for converting wav samples to 10-13bit. Windows only!

You need sox command line converter.
Download and unpack to C:
Download archive with *.bat scripts

You can use scripts in two ways.
First: Open internet explorer, type “shell:sendto” in address bar. Copy scripts to this window. Now you can click on yor wav file(s) right mouse button and simple send to selected script from “send to” menu.
Second: Simple drag and drop wav file(s) to script icon.

Converted samples are located in /converted/ directory where your wavs are located.
You can send to script max about 30 files at once.

Scripts do not add any noise dithering.

10 bits – cuts signal below 60db
11 bits – cuts signal below 66db
12 bits – cuts signal below 72db
13 bits – cuts signal below 78db

Enjoy! :)